Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is an umbrella term that refers to exploitation where a person cannot leave or refuse to work because of threats, violence, deception and/or abuse of power.


The Asda modern slavery statement sets out what we are doing to make a difference. It covers our strategy, how we are collaborating with partners and how we assess risk in our business and our supply chain.

We are working closely with our suppliers and service providers to address the issue in a number of innovative ways.

For more information or to access the full statement please use the following link.


Our Policies

IPL has a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery, and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity. We have implemented systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business.

We hold ourselves and everyone employed directly or indirectly to the same standards that we expect of our suppliers and service providers.

Our colleague Modern Slavery policy sets out our expectations of colleagues and the responsibility and commitments of IPL and its board.

We pride ourselves on our reputation for acting fairly and ethically wherever we do business. Our reputation is built on our values as a company, the values of our colleagues and our collective commitment to acting with integrity throughout our organisation.

Our Supplier Modern Slavery Policy demonstrates this commitment.

Modern Slavery Policy for Suppliers
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